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Connecting NSHE and Nevada through highly valued shared digital services


Responsive Reliable Resource


  • Collaboration
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Stewardship
  • Commitment to our Customers
  • Commitment to our People

Key Focus Areas and Strategic Goals

We use four Key Focus Areas (KFAs) to continuously measure our effectiveness in delivering the vision and mission of SCS. For this biennial plan, within each KFA, we have identified four Strategic Goals to improve performance. Specific initiatives are aligned to the goals and will be tracked and reported to ensure achievement.

  1. Customer Focus
    1. Strengthen Communication
    2. Increase Transparency
    3. Improve Customer Experience
    4. Refine Advisory Groups
  2. Service Management
    1. Publish Updated Service Catalog
    2. Update All Service Agreements
    3. Develop Service Governance
    4. Implement Process Improvement
  3. Risk Management
    1. Restructure Resource Planning
    2. Formalize Lifecycle Planning
    3. Maintain Facilities Planning
    4. Extend Information Security
  4. Strategic Alignment
    1. Establish Strategic Planning
    2. Sustain Service Operations
    3. Enhance Research Network
    4. Expand Network Access