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Sponsored and Hosted By

Prepared and Presented By


An advanced bootcamp on accessibility and universal design. Workshops will take place virtually over three sessions.


NSHE solution architects, designers, and developers committed to best practices in accessibility and universal design for their web sites and web applications.


Friday, October 23, 8am - 4pm
Monday, October 26, 8am - 4pm
Tuesday, October 27, 8am - 4pm


Virtual workshops held via Zoom.


Complying with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requires advanced knowledge of accessibility for people who architect, design, create, maintain, and develop technology and communication solutions like mobile apps, websites and website apps, desktop applications, media solutions, LMS environments, and other interactive technologies. This bootcamp offers a learning opportunity as well as a chance to collaborate and network with peers from other NSHE institutions.


NSHE System Computing Services is sponsoring and hosting this event.

The Details

The Accessibilty Bootcamp

This virtual training event will cover core principles of accessibility, including defining accessibility, understanding how users with disabilities use computers, and considering accessibility when designing and developing web-based systems.

The boot camp will be very interactive. The course will navigate through key topics in accessibility from very high-level to very detailed. Each topic features lecture and hands-on learning opportunities.

Examples of topics covered

  • Overview of Testing for Accessibility – Specifically Testing and reporting Methodologies
  • Images and Non-Text Content
  • Document Structure and Content (ex. Info and relationships vs. Name role value, Semantic markup best practices)
  • Media
  • Keyboard Accessibility and Focus Control
  • Frames
  • Navigation
  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Dynamic Content & WAI-ARIA

About the Presenter

Karl Groves will be conducting this training for NSHE. Karl is a developer and accessibility and usability consultant from the Washington DC area. He founded Tenon in 2014.

Karl has worked with over 90 private companies, educational institutions, and federal agencies in the United States and has trained several hundred development, QA, design, and product staff in accessibility and universal design. He speaks at conferences on accessibility worldwide and his award-winning work includes the CUES Diamond Award and Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2006. His work in accessibility is regularly cited in books, white papers, and academic research.

Tenon offers other accessibility services and their team of full-stack developers provides applied solution support for a wide range of private and govenmental customers.