24-25 April 2025, Las Vegas
Our first Nevada Research Technology Strategy Workshop is 24-25 April 2025, hosted at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. We’re excited to have faculty members, staff, students, and leadership contribute to planning our technology futures in Nevada’s higher education!
Hosted by the NSF-funded NV-DICE planning group, this workshop brings together researchers, educators, IT leadership, and cyberinfrastructure professionals. The packed agenda includes:
- Keynotes by national research computing community leaders
- “State of Nevada Research IT”
- National Science Foundation funding opportunities & strategy
- Listening sessions with researcher presentations
- Working sessions on campus assessments, needs, and plans

Workshop Registration
DAY 1: Research Cyberinfrastructure Overview, Thursday April 24, 2025
8:00 am
Registration opens
9:15 am
Welcoming remarks
9:30 am
Keynote speaker
10:00 am
10:10 am
Panel 1: Adapting Nevada’s institutional information technology for research-driven education
11:00 am
11:10 am
Panel 2: National Science Foundation funding opportunities, computing resources, and strategy
12:00 pm
Catered lunch
1:00 pm
Research and Technology short talks: Tales from the Lab
1:50 pm
2:00 pm
Session 3: Provide your input: assessing needs and priorities for research technology in Nevada
3:30 pm
3:40 pm
Session 4: Community resources for Research IT and moving campuses forward
4:15 pm
Nearby Happy Hour – continue the conversation!
DAY 2: Focused Planning Session, Friday April 25, 2025
9:00 am
Welcome & Strategic Planning Objectives
9:30 am
Group Exercise: Scoping Campus Cyberinfrastructure Plans
9:50 am
10:00 am
Strategy Walkthrough: Assessing campus capability
10:30 am
Strategy Breakout: Campus gaps & priorities focus
11:00 am
11:10 am
Strategy Breakout: Campus CI Plan drafting
12:00 pm
Working Lunch: Group discussion: Regional priorities, opportunities, & next steps
1:00 pm
Workshop adjourns