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Potential Issues and Initiatives

Topics are intended to promote discussion, not to predetermine the Committee’s agenda.

  1. Plan for the 1999-2001 NSHE technology budget request.
    • Identify technology needs at campus and system levels.
    • Propose strategies for acquisition of funding for technology and support personnel.
    • Evaluate need for access to both “commodity” and “high speed” (Internet II) internet connections and resources.
  2. Support and coordinate the Data Warehouse Initiative.
    • Recommend strategies for accountability and reporting on legislative allocations.
    • Address LCB audit issues.
    • Coordinate institutional and System efforts with respect to data standards; security access and mutual assistance.
  3. Support and coordinate the Position Control Initiative.
    • Same as above.
  4. Promote electronic access to student data.
    • Identify potential applications for development of tools for student access.
  5. Explore legal liabilities related to technology.
    • Guide policies on appropriate use, computer crime, and software copyright issues.
  6. Promote appropriate partnerships with state and federal agencies and K-12 education.
    • Address issues associated with K-12/NSHE shared technology facilities and resources, e.g., CSN and WNC technology centers.
  7. Coordinate with other technology committees.
    • Administrative Technology Steering Committee (ATSC).
  8. Address NSHE World Wide Web site development issues.
  9. Address library evolution to electronic information access issues.
  10. Address System and institutional technology roles and coordination.
    • What are the appropriate responsibilities at each level?