System Computing Services provides:
- Free eduroam subscription for Identity Providers and Service Providers for Nevada K-12 school districts, schools, libraries, museums, municipalities, and other education-adjacent organizations.
- Technical support, coordination, and best practices guidance for Nevada eduroam administrators.
- Assistance with eduroam registration for non-education agencies.
- Promotion of eduroam service expansion throughout Nevada.
- Advocacy for eduroam service improvements to the broader US and global eduroam communities.
Learn more about how SCS and eduroam work together on our eduroam page.
Client Responsibilities
- Complete the standard Nevada eduroam Participation Agreement to register as an eduroam Identity Provider (IdP) or Service Provider (SP) .
- Abide by the eduroam terms of service .
- Ensure accurate registration data is maintained in the eduroam Federation Manager portal.
- Identity Providers must provide endpoint device technical support to their end-users, per eduroam best practice (SCS only provides direct technical support to eduroam administrators).